


Enrolment procedures aim to identify and monitor the individual education needs of your child. As Belmont State School is enrolment managed (to ensure our facilities and resources cater for the needs of all students), you will need to provide proof that you live inside the catchment area .

Parents or legal guardians who wish to enrol their child at Belmont State  School will need to demonstrate that the student's principal place of residence is within the catchment area . Current proof of residency at the address indicated can be provided by way of one of each of the following: 

  • One primary source - a current lease agreement, or rates notice, or unconditional sale agreement, and
  • One secondary source - a utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas) showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name 

If the Principal is not satisfied that the documentation provided by an applicant demonstrates adequately that the address stated is the student's principal place of residence, then the Principal may request further sources of proof of residence, such as an additional utility bill (e.g. water) showing the same address. 

The Principal may also request a properly sworn Statutory Declaration from the enrolling parent or legal guardian attesting that the student's principal place of residence is the place nominated in the enrolment application.

Applicants should note that a false statement/assertion about the student's principal place of residence may amount to an offence and may be reported to police. The school Principal may repeal a decision to enrol a student in such circumstances.  

For children being enrolled at Belmont State School the procedures are as follows. 

When enrolling:  

  • An interview takes place with the Principal or Deputy Principal

  • Identification of all relevant factors to determine the most suitable class placement for your child. Factors will include: age; previous schooling and progress; social, emotional and physical maturity; special needs; time of year enrolled. 

Following enrolment: 

  • Monitoring your child’s progress to ensure that classroom placement is appropriate academically and that he/she is adjusting well;

  • Maintaining close contact. An open invitation is extended to you to request follow-up interviews with the class teacher and any specialists who may be involved in supporting your child’s education. 

Additional information you can provide to assist us to place your child in the most suitable class includes: 

  • school reports;

  • samples of written work, especially in Mathematics and English;

  • information regarding special programs in which your child has been involved, eg. enrichment/extension/learning support programs;

  • information on extra-curricular activities enjoyed by your child. 

When enrolling your child we will provide you with the following information: 

  • an enrolment package; including a parent handbook;

  • a copy of the school’s rules and behaviour management plan (available on school website);

  • appropriate booklist;

  • uniform and canteen pricelists (available on school website). 

Last reviewed 09 March 2021
Last updated 09 March 2021