The P&C Association is pleased to offer a 5 day a week tuckshop service!
We provide a healthy menu selection for both first break (morning tea) and second break (lunch) meals.
How To Order
Ordering from the tuckshop has never been easier! We use the Qkr! (pronounced Quicker) app available on your Android or iPhone. Simply download the app. and register your details under Belmont State School.

Qkr! for iOS
Qkr! for Android
You must ensure your order is received by 8:30am on the day you require your meal, however, orders can be placed up to a week in advance. You may also create a regular order to be repeated at the same time each week.
Some snacks are available for purchase over the counter. All other items must be ordered online.
Prep students - To ensure our prep students do not need to cope with handling money at school, all orders for Prep students, including ice blocks, chips, drinks and slushies, must be ordered online. Prep students will not be allowed to purchase items over the counter at the tuckshop. In term 4, prep students have a practice tuckshop visit to ensure they are ready for grade 1. Your teacher will send further information about this at the time.
The tuckshop cannot extend credit to students. Any student who needs lunch and does not have money or an online order must go to the school office where they will contact parents/carers.
If you are interested in volunteering opportunities please contact the tuckshop on 3843 9303 or
Hungry Hut Menu 2025 (PDF)